The gingham dog went "bow-wow-wow!"
And the calico cat replied "mee-ow!"
The air was littered an hour or so,
with bits of gingham and calico"
(Eugene Field)


a long time coming...& lots of pix

It's been a long time! I have been doing a lot of watching this:

hour after hour, day after day. The season is almost over! (Alas, no time to create when we are full in tennis season.) Jenni's doing brilliantly, having made all-stars and won the first level of all-stars, and winning 70% or more of her matches. She is a force on the team! Her nickname: THE HAMMER!

One very proud day, Stan and I went to her match after school, which she won, and then on to the academic award ceremony at the school, where she was recognized for her academic achievement. We were beyond proud to almost giddy! Who could ask for anything more?

I did have time to decorate the dining room table for fall:

Nothing fancy this time around. I also had time to make a card to send to Kelsi:

We went to North Jersey to see her rugby game last week. It was great! A beautiful fall day with a sparkling blue sky and plenty of warm sunshine and a fresh breeze. Lovely! Kelsi's team won, and she was a pivotal force on the team, scoring one "touchdown" (I forget what they are called), making tackle after tackle including a score-saving tackle, playing every minute with all of her heart. She is incredible! And strong! Her nickname: FRIDGE DINK!

Here she is after a hard-fought game:
And here are both of my beautiful girls: (October 9, 2008)

Aren't I blessed? Life is GREAT!

I have a couple of cards on the drawing board, so there will be a post later on this week!

Time to create!

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