The gingham dog went "bow-wow-wow!"
And the calico cat replied "mee-ow!"
The air was littered an hour or so,
with bits of gingham and calico"
(Eugene Field)


are they really shooting the birdies? & cages

Stan & I went to Swedesboro/Woolwich Day yesterday. It was fun!

Here are some pictures of some civil war re-enactors who were demonstrating some of their wares.

Two little girls were next to me when these gentlemen were shooting their rifles. One girl yelled "are they really shooting the birdies?" It made me laugh! (They were shooting blanks, of course!)

I'm no photographer at all, but I love this picture. What a face this guy has! (in front of the Rulon House in Swedesboro)

Here is a picture of my mom's "cage" on her foot. I've been describing it (badly) for a couple of months. This is what it looks like in person:

My mom is so brave! And always optimistic! I admire so much how she makes the best of a difficult situation...and always with a smile! Only a few more weeks of the cage this way, and then she should get a shoe to put underneath it so that she can walk with it on. Then a few weeks like that, and the whole thing will come off. We're looking forward to her being hardware-less!
I hope to get to some creative stuff this week.

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