The gingham dog went "bow-wow-wow!"
And the calico cat replied "mee-ow!"
The air was littered an hour or so,
with bits of gingham and calico"
(Eugene Field)


all things "good"

What a beautiful Christmas! Peace, love, friends, joy, kindness, generosity & fun all abounded at our house. Life is "good" here! Here are some images of Christmas for you to enjoy!

(my dining room table underwent many changes and variations between Dec. 15 and now, but here is one of the configurations. Stan gave me the beautiful centerpiece a couple of weeks before Christmas. The roses were full and beautiful red roses then.)

Now on to the new year. Hello, 2009! My little word of the year is
My goals for 2009 all revolve around joy...

*celebrate my joy in everything that I do, including teaching, parenting, scrapbooking, cardmaking, art and homemaking;

*rejoice IN the people that I have chosen to be in my life... my husband, my children, my family, friends and co-workers; rejoice WITH them whenever possible, too! Give more gifts, send more cards, make more play dates...

*exhibit GAIETY whenever more games, sing & dance & laugh my joy more; try not to be so serious all the time...

*DELIGHT every day in how fortunate I am...and then thank God for it all...

*find {ORGANIZED} BLISS in all things paperwork...not only cardmaking and scrapbooking but all the tough paperwork...lesson plans, grading papers, grades....bill-paying, filing, filing, filing.... (this one will be a hard one for me, for sure)

*celebrate this JOY with others in regular, bi-weekly blogging...learning PHOTOSHOP 100%...

*DELIGHT in the moon every night on a walk with the dogs & my husband; study the moon phases (again) and REVEL in them.

now, a 2009 wish for you

(source: author unknown, some great cookbook I have studied)

Well, time to go into the workshop and create... Happy New Year!